Stay Ahead of the Latest Threats with Threat Family Tracking

Written by Avigayil Mechtinger

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    TL;DR You can now subscribe to threat actors/malware families in Intezer and receive notifications for new IoCs and detection opportunities.

    Staying on top of emerging threats and keeping your detection rules on track is challenging. To keep track, security teams have to continuously go over different reports, from different sources, for various threats. On top of that, these reports usually provide low-pyramid IoCs (file hashes, IPs, and domains), leaving more effective and longer-lasting detection opportunities hidden. 

    To help you stay on top of emerging threats with the most updated detection rules, we have extended Intezer’s threat family tracking:   

    • Intezer’s Detect & Hunt feature is now available per threat family. While the Detect & Hunt tab has previously surfaced detection opportunities for a single file, now, it is possible to view aggregated IOCs/detection content for an entire threat actor or malware family. Detect & Hunt allows you to extract high-quality IoCs and detection content (to use in your SIEM or EDR), quickly and effectively. This saves you time and effort in “fishing” for relevant artifacts from overwhelming sandbox reports.
    • Users can now track threats of interest and receive updates about new detection opportunities. 

    On Intezer’s family page, you can find all the detection opportunities extracted per family. This capability, combined with our API, allows you to identify up-to-date behavioral artifacts to create rules to proactively hunt for the existence of a threat within your organization and create updated detection rules. You can “subscribe” to a threat family to ensure you do not miss the latest detection opportunities. 

    Tracking Threat Families in Practice

    Intezer tracks thousands of threat actors and malware families that you can get updates on now. 

    To get to the family page, search for a specific family or click on the family link from the analysis page. Let’s browse to the Emotet family page

    From family search:

    Using “Search” in Intezer to look up a threat actor or malware family.

    From the analysis page:

    To see the Emotet family page, click the “Explore Emotet” highlighted in red.

    On the family page, you can find Detect & Hunt tab with the most updated detection opportunities for the family.

    malware family page for Emotet
    Family page for the Emotet malware.

    Track the threat to get updates and keep your detection content up-to-date.

    tracking threat actors and families
    Tracking a threat now signs you up for weekly updates on new detection opportunities.

    You will receive a weekly email notifying you about any new detection opportunities for threats you have subscribed to.

    Creating Rules and Searches from Detection Opportunities

    To accelerate the process of proactive and reactive threat hunting, you should make sure that you use high-quality detections and that you use automation where applicable. The detection opportunities Intezer provides are actionable and can be filtered based on an effectiveness pyramid that takes inspiration from the Pyramid of Pain. All data is available via API to build automation around it.

    To learn how to convert detection opportunities to rules, check out our SOC Level Up series that covers techniques and knowledge for improving SOC skills. 

    Detect & Hunt and family tracking are available now for Intezer’s enterprise customers. Reach us to book a demo

    Avigayil Mechtinger

    Avigayil was previously a product manager at Intezer. Prior to that role, Avigayil was part of Intezer's research team and specialized in malware analysis and threat hunting. During her time at Intezer, she uncovered and documented different malware targeting both Linux and Windows platforms. She is now a Threat Researcher at Wiz.

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